Aligning Across Watersheds: Stormwater Summit 2.0

King County Executive Dow Constantine and local and regional clean water leaders convened on May 31, 2023 for a Stormwater Summit 2.0. These elected officials shared lessons learned from building regional collaboratives to advance shared salmon recovery and climate change commitments. We also had the opportunity for a discussion with leadership of EPA Region 10, Washington State Department of Ecology, State Salmon Recovery Council, and the Washington State Department of Transportation about how we can work together to tackle pollution sources like chemicals from tires that are killing Coho salmon.

This Stormwater Summit 2.0 was a celebration of the preliminary regional stormwater action goals many of us helped shape. It was also an opportunity to begin to identify how we will work together to translate those goals into action.


Summit agenda and recordings

Regional stormwater action goals (draft, May 2023)

King County press release about the Stormwater Summit 2.0


King County’s Water Quality Benefits Evaluation (WQBE) Toolkit